Thursday, February 20, 2014

Isabella Rodrigo Charity Aims


Isabella Rodrigo Charity aims and works towards stopping the severe pverty that many beautiful little children have been forced to live under. Children are the leaders of tomorrow and these little beautiful creatures of God living with these extreme situations, infections, sicknesses in Africa, Asia, and Brazil has to be eradicated.

Many African countries find it difficult to attract and retain experienced physicians because salaries are so low.

In Malawi, Niger, Kenya, Mozambque, Uganda, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Mali, children eat around once or less per day. This is an absolute deprivation of a childhood, as many of these children never eat a balanced meal in months to years. Situations like these can also prompt these wonderful young children to easily go into life of crime, theft, robbery, drugs, sometimes depression and death.

Why should a young baby boy or girl of 5 years or less have to walk 4-5 miles just to get water to take a daily shower? While most of us have hot tubs, showers, swimming pools, jacuzzi  at the palm of our hands.

This is a serious crisis due to the dismal health conditions in these countries from people living in extreme poverty and exposed to diseases. Everyday, 35,000 children under 5 years of age die in the developing world. The great majority of these deaths are from health problems that can be prevented by simple "better living conditions".

In total, over 13 million people die year from easily treatable infectious diseases. This accounts for a quarter of all deaths worldwide.

Isabella Rodrigo Charity works provide blocks of houses for families in these African Villages. We want to put families in better accommodations, flats where they have clean and regular water supply, constant electricity, food supply and general free-restaurants for buildings with families. Children deserve some free time to play around meet other wonder kids like themselves share certain childhood memories, play sports and develope their God-given talents.

It is our mission to encourage you all out there to please pay attention to the situation people are living in, and show us your support.

Charity Work:

Rodrigo family have always been interested in charity work and Isabella’s Charity Organisation have been helping little children in Africa, Asia, and her hometown. She also started the website and campaign, and has helped over 105,000 children so far.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Motverka torr hy i ansiktet

Väldigt många har problem med torr hy och speciellt under höst och vinter är problemen som värst. Vanliga symptom är klåda, eksem och sprucken hud som kan irritera och svida. Lyckligtvis finns det några enkla knep som kan hjälpa dig att behandla din torra hud. Det som händer när huden blir torr är att huden blir mindre elastisk och det är också det som gör att huden spricker. Problemen tilltar vanligtvis i takt med stigande ålder, men kan också uppenbara sig hos yngre människor vid torrt väder.

Behandla torr hud i ansiktet

Ansiktet är extra känsligt eftersom ansiktet är en kroppsdel som dagligen utsätts för mycket påfrestningar. Ditt ansikte är i stort sett alltid oskyddat mot väder och vind samtidigt som ansiktet varje dag utsätts för bakterier och smuts, och när du väl tvättar ditt ansikte kan för mycket tvål eller smink irritera din hud. En viktig del i att bibehålla hudens fuktighet är att dricka mycket vatten. Vår hud består av omkring 70% vatten, och genom att dricka mycket vatten hjälper du kroppen att bibehålla sin naturliga fuktighet. Ta för vana att ha en flaska vatten nära till hands och drick minst 1,5 liter vatten dagligen. Tvätta inte ansiktet för ofta med tvål. Tvålen kan torka ut din hud och speciellt under de kalla årstiderna kan huden bli mycket torr om du tvättar den för mycket. Om du måste tvätta ditt ansikte, tänk på att göra det strax innan du ska gå och lägga dig samtidigt som du är noga med att använda en återfuktande och fet hudkräm efteråt. Ta en härlig ansiktsbehandling minst en gång per månad. Även om en ansiktsbehandling kan kännas dyr så mår din hud mycket bra av en riktig behandling. Det finns som bekant flera olika typer av ansiktsbehandlingar som exempelvis rengörande ansiktsmasker, återfuktande ansiktsmasker och ansiktsmasker som motverkar påsar och mörka ringar under ögonen. Om du inte vill lägga ut pengar på en ansiktsbehandling hos en hudvårdsklinik varje månad så kan du också beställa ansiktsmasker för hemmabruk på internet.

Reducera påsar under ögonen

Vissa människor blir bara torra vid vissa partier av kroppens hud, och ett vanligt område att bli torr vid är strax under ögonen. I folkmun brukar symptomet kallas för "ringar- eller påsar under ögonen" och den som har mörka ringar under ögonen brukar se trött och sliten ut. Det finns några enkla knep för dig som vill bli av med symptomet och det finns både huskurer och riktiga behandlingar som kan hjälpa dig. Huskurerna består av krossad avokado eller gurkskivor som du applicerar under ögonen. De mer professionella behandlingarna består av ögonplåster innehållandes naturligt kollagen och viktiga vitaminer som enkelt tas upp av kroppen.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Host Papa Review

HostPapa Review

Host Papa Company is well known company that provides the website hosting service. It was founded in 2006 and now we boost to provide services to over 50,000 websites projects which include small businesses medium businesses and large businesses projects. Our company is progressing day by day because we are competent in our work. It is becoming fastest growing web hosting company of United States. Our aim is provide our service to every kind of site whether small or large.

To provide our services we made strategy to give you free domain for life time and any disk space you demands for and unlimited bandwidth whose cost starting from 4.95 dollars only.   

The company also give Green Web Hosting facility to their customers. Now the question is what is Green Web Hosting? Green web hosting means everything which includes office, building, computer etc are powered by 100% renewable green energy.

If you are not satisfies with our services you can take your money back. Host papa provides 30 days money back guarantee. It provides 24 hours support services to its customer. 
Host papa like other companies offer simple and confuse proof plan. It gives to customers all in one package “this plan fits all”. Which is of high quality because papa hosting company believe in customer’s satisfaction.

The “this plan fits all” package starts at the low rate of 4.95 dollars monthly. In this package you get a domain which is of life time. Unlimited disk storage, bandwidth, email accounts, databases and finally unlimited ads on domain.  Its multimedia feature enable you to stream real audio and video and Flash and shockwave support.

Papa host web hosting company gives you better performance than any other web hosting site because for optimal performance we laid optical fiber connections through different providers. We also have generator which help us to provide continuous services which there is electric shortage. 

We have most competent employees which are working to their best for 24 hours to provide our customers with nonstop high performance services. We keeps on checking our hardware like router and other connection to check for faults. These faults are checked by human as well as machines. In addition to all this we also maintained environmental factors.

HostPapa provides 24 hours availability to customers. Anyone who have queries or needs support can mail or call on telephone. HostPapa also provides live chat to solve the problem in real time. The help is provided in 2 different languages English and French. Host Papa also provides video tutorials to make you understand.

You can go to buy hosting site whose link is given below to see the difference in the cost plan of different hosting sites and choose for yourself what you found suitable for you.

The buy host site provides you with different article on how to evaluate a hosting site which I’m sure increase your knowledge and help you evaluate and in making your decision for choosing a web hosting site for yourself.
For more information you can visit:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Isabella Rodrigo

Isabella Rodrigo (born February 14th, 1987) is a Brazilian model known for numerous works and affiliations with big brands in Sao Paulo. She is also known to have worked with Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Yves Saint Laurent, Vogue, Chanel, Victoria's Secret, Pepe Jeans, H&M, Elle, Marie Claire, TNG, Ann Taylor and XOXO. As of 2013, she has been involved in various charity organizations, aids for less-privileged African, Asian and Brazilian children. According to Isabella, being supported by her sister Eva and her manager Mia has been instrumental to her achievements.

Early life:
Isabella Rodrigo was born in Monte Belo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, the younger of two daughters born to Ricardo and Ann Rodrigo. She has an elder sister Eva Rodrigo. She graduated St. Paul’s School in Sao Paulo. While she was only two years of age, her family all moved to California, where she lived and studied even though she later went back to Brazil for a year to graduate with a Brazilian certificate from St. Paul.
Before becoming a model, she learned acting and went for acting lessons, but was advised and pushed by her elder sister Eva who was a younger Brazilian model then, to chase modeling as a profession. Isabella was then discovered by an agent named Sergio Betto.

In 2009, Isabella entered the ‘Elite Model Campaign’ in Brazil, beat 29,999 girls to finish second with only 4 votes separating her from the winner. She was immediately sent to Paris, France, for an intermediary competition.

Modeling Career:
Isabella Rodrigo was christened "The Sensation" at the 2009 fall fashion shows in Lyon and Zurich.  She was one of the most talked about models of the season alongside Adriana Lima, Maggie Rizer, and Karen Elson. Her first campaign was for Christian Dior, shot by photographer Mike Kibber; it appeared in the likes of Vogue and Vanity Fair. In May 2010 Rodrigo was one of the models to appear in the Vogue USA edition' segment Blame It On Rio, the photographer was Marcus Maita and it also featured Hyisele Bünden, Fernandez Savarez and others. Isabella becoming one of Sao Paulo's most searched top models led her to be ranked in 2010 by the magazine Fente Ponte to be one of the best paid Brazilian models, earning US$300,000 for her work, which included walking in more than 76 fashion shows in only two seasons.
The 2012 calendar celebrating the Testa, shot by Jack Farson, featured Isabella, along with and Mia Anna-Maria. Isabella also posed for the Pirelli Calendar in 2013.

Personal Life:
Isabella Rodrigo is a vegetarian and she has stated she has been her whole life. She speaks Portuguese, English, Spanish, and some Arabic. She loves animals; she has 5 dogs and 3 cats all in her hometown. Isabella has a total of two tattoos on her body and she plans to study Psychology after she retires. She briefly dated Brazilian football star Robinho.
Charity Work:
Rodrigo family have always been interested in charity work and Isabella’s Charity Organisation have been helping little children in Africa, Asia, and her hometown. She also started the website and campaign, and has helped over 105,000 children so far.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Great Service For Food Lovers

You want to eat freshly prepared, hot and tasty meal of your home, but you do not have enough time because life is so busy now a days to cook food for yourself or You do not have taste in your hand your family do not like to eat meal you cooked but we introduce the solution chefs and home cook work together now to prepare fresh, healthy food full of nutrition for the people who are busy and want to eat home cook meal but settled on easting restaurant foods. This will be the other way round for these kind of people. Though eating out is sometimes proved to be fast and easy way to get nutrition. But most of the people do not prefer outdoors meal they consider them unhealthy and unhygienic they prefer to eat at home but do not have sufficient skills to cook good taste and different varieties of dishes is a site that provide food sharing in a community who cannot make their own meals because of time limitation and insufficient skills. 

There are many advantages of food sharing in a particular community you can trade thing which you are good at improving your skill further, you can purchase locally, and have more interaction and chances to know each other in community.

It does  not only give advantages to those individuals who cannot cook their meals for themselves each day but also give advantage to who like to cook. In this way the cook polish their skills by giving their services to you and you get tasty food in less time. It is also beneficial because making meal in the large quantity is cost efficient and home cooks can earn revenue out of it because they make extra food which they sell and earn revenue. This is not the only way communities can share their home cook meal. Farmers, gardeners can also get advantage by trading off the extra of what they produce to earn revenue, they sell to the community members or can trade off with the other gardener which better off everyone.

To be the part of food sharing communities one can get healthy home cook meal in no time, also of good taste food which make you feel blessed.

You can join the community, it’s free to use. We also have a mobile application to make food sharing easy for you, you can choose your desire location and style of cookery. The user of application can find a good chef we provide a rating chef section in which a user can rate chef. Any user can leave a comment or remarks about the food which help the newcomers to make decision.

We ensure you that all the meal you take will be hygienic. For your satisfaction you can ask the cook to take a look at the kitchen’s condition.
Foodpooling is available to foodies, home chefs, and professional chefs worldwide. They are launching food sharing community in January of 2014. For more information or queries visit
Presse release:
How does it works:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Despite Apparent Layoffs, Revel Systems is Excelling in the Marketplace - 2014 Company Analysis

Despite Apparent Layoffs, Revel Systems is Excelling in the Marketplace - 2014 Company Analysis
Significance of Revel System:
Revel system, which produces apple based software, has proved to be a highly profitable venture. It has acquired a dominant share in food retail industry and proved value-for-money POS software. There are of a number of features of Revel software that has made it attractive to the owners of small and medium sized business. Such features include low operation and maintenance cost and an open API that allows a high level of integration with both the customers and the vendors. Security features provided by the Revel also adds up in its competitive advantage which is also somewhat inimitable, hence adding up to its distinctive (and core) competencies. A major advantage that the Revel system brings with it is the promise to lower down the need of staff through high level of integration and smart performance. Within a very short time of its launch, retail industry has seen a major fall in the number of people employed in the overall industry.

Amazingly, the reduction in workers cost is not at the expense of quality of the manufacturing, sales and customer services. In fact customers now feel more satisfied than they were before the revolution of Revel system. Revel mainly capitalizes on the user friendly environment of iPad and iPhone IOS and also takes advantage of web based database system. The use of cloud technology and ability to integrate with third party enhancement and financial suites has made Revel a must have product.
Increasing labor cost: 
The impact of cost push inflation has made employers to raise the wages of employees in order to satisfy their demand to raise the wages. The demand is also justifiable owing to the fact of ever increasing prices of commodities. The impact of rising labor cost gets transferred to the product cost and the best strategy adopted by entrepreneurs in reducing product is to reduce the labor cost by downsizing
(also called rightsizing where there is an excessive headcount) and by improving per hour production. Purchase and implementation of Revel POS system has also proved to be one of the best strategy in reducing the annual labor cost. Revel makes the work of a majority of workers redundant and performs the same work with efficiency and in a very short span of time.
Rightsizing at Revel:
The example of rightsizing at Revel which resulted in optimum staff cost is one of the best known strategy in technology industry. Revel spent $1.2 million in improving global customer services and automated the major part of its customer service department. The aforesaid investment relieves it from a few workers who were engaged in customer services and online sales. Revel also teamed up with various payment management intermediaries like paypal, levelup merchant e-solutions and worldpay to name a few. This further helped in rightsizing its accounts and payment section.
Moreover, Revel went one step ahead of its competitors by introducing the photograph identity feature in its POS system which helped it get relieve of additional staff in Information security department. 
Affiliation with cloud service providers further helped Revel in becoming lean and free of unrequired liabilities on its balance sheet. By outsourcing its need of storing massive data to professional cloud service providers, it disinvested a huge amount from the setup and maintenance of servers and also saved a huge amount of labor cost which was required to maintain the servers and associated infrastructure. Despite reduction is staff, Revel is growing (as evident from the financial highlights for the year 2014) mainly because it is capitalizing on emerging technologies and creating win-win situations by adjusting these technologies in its business model.

Moreover, Revel went one step ahead of its competitors by introducing the photograph identity feature in its POS system which helped it get relieve of additional staff in Information Security department. 
Affiliation with cloud service providers further helped Revel in becoming lean and free of unrequired liabilities on its balance sheet. By outsourcing its need of storing massive data to professional cloud service providers, it disinvested a huge amount from the setup and maintenance of servers and also saved a huge amount of labor cost which was required to maintain the servers and associated infrastructure. Despite reduction is staff, Revel is growing (as evident from the financial highlights for the year 2014) mainly because it is capitalizing on emerging technologies and creating win-win situations by adjusting these technologies in its business model.

A Company Analysis: Revel Systems iPad POS

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

5 Work from Home Mistakes You Should Not Repeat In 2014

With the world rapidly changing, the prices of goods raising high, the people sometimes face difficulty in satisfying themselves from the money that they earn. Hence they take up online jobs in order to make more money. This greed for money makes them take up any job irrespective of their likes and dislikes and interests. 

As a result of this they end up in hating the job and thereby making mistakes. A job whichever it is- regular paid or part time online; should be given equal importance.

Here are a few mistakes noticed in individuals doing part time online jobs.

  • The person usually thinks that since the job is an online part time, I can do it whenever and however I please. And the person ends up in doing many tasks at a time like chatting of Facebook, cooking, and working and may be watching TV. This notion should not be believed and encouraged. You must do your work properly. If you concentrate properly on your work, you may finish your work earlier than the time you would normally take.
  • I found that people often take the work from home employer for granted. They do not complete their work on time and hence the delivery of work gets delayed. Always remember you have some sort of commitment with your employer and hence should respect that commitment and deliver the work in time. Can you ever think of saying NO to your full time boss? The answer is NO. Isn’t it? Then how can you say NO to your part time boss?
  • As per the the survey on, most of people are not in a correct frame of mind before starting their online work. Usually what happens is that the frustration of full time job is often removed on the part time job. This should be avoided. Just because things do not work properly at one place, it does not necessarily mean that you should blame the other for the mistakes that have not been committed by the other.
  • Smile throughout the work and be in a happy mood. People often label work from home as boring and they do it out of compulsion and the greed for money. No person should do this. If you smile and enjoy doing the work that you have been assigned, then not only your time will be saved but also the quality of your work will improve. Practice this in your real life and see the difference!
  • It is found that most of the people who work online work in a place of mess. A place where there is no cleanliness and discipline. You must work in an organized place with proper ventilation and enough light. Ensure that you work on the table instead of bed and wear proper clothes while working. Let some professionalism be depicted from the way, dress and environment you work at home. You may also make a separate cabin or room for the same in your house.

Give all these points a thought and do not commit these mistakes in 2014!